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No Virtual Keyword In Java And No Final Keyword In C# Explained

No Virtual Keyword In Java And No Final Keyword In C# Explained


Note: If you are new to object oriented programming and don’t know about polymorphism much please refer this post before proceeding further.

Java and C# Methods Behaviour Difference

When you write any method in Java you are actually writing a virtual method because Java implements it by default, and to make it non-virtual we have to make use of final keyword in Java. However, In C# all methods you write are final (non-virtual) by default and to make it virtual you have to use virtual keyword.

Sharp Column Indenter - Visual Studio Extension

Sharp Column Indenter - Visual Studio Extension


About Extension

Sharp Column Indenter is a smart source code indenter that indent the code into columns. Also known as ‘code alignment’.

Why Sharp Column Indenter?

The most important aspect of programming is the readability of the source code that you write or maintain. This involves many things, from the syntax of the programming language, to the variable names, comments, and indentation.

Publish Subscribe Design Pattern In C#

Publish Subscribe Design Pattern In C#


What is Pub-Sub?

Publish-Subscribe or Pub-Sub is a design pattern that allows loose coupling between the application components.

Here senders of messages, called publishers, do not program the messages to be sent directly to specific receivers, called subscribers. Messages are published without the knowledge of what or if any subscriber of that knowledge exists. Delegate form the basis of this design pattern in C#.